Online Foam Roller Pilates
Online Foam Roller Pilates
Class description
Mondays 09:00-10:00 This is a live or on demand online class using the zoom Platform. A 90cm foam roller is required for this class. There's a myriad of nifty Pilates exercises that can be performed on a foam roller. By positioning the roller in various angles and placing your body in different anatomical positions, this wonderful prop allows you to perform a full body Pilates workout. One of the greatest benefits of foam roller Pilates is using it as a core stabilising tool. Lying lengthways on the foam roller brings deeper connection and feedback to your spine, in other words, heightened sensory awareness. This for most is a blissful, restorative, feel-good sensation. Lying on an uneven surface is where stability and balance is challenged further. The objective is to softly "harness" your body and remain in neutral spine. By adding various arm and leg movements, whilst centred and balanced, results in an effective and challenging core stability workout. The foam roller is also an amazing tool to shape and support the joint structures of the spine, through upper and thoracic back bends (extension) as well as supporting the lower back through flexion. I will also demonstrate how to correctly self massage. Releasing tender areas in your muscles (trigger points) and tight or painful fascia. This is referred to as myofascial release technique. To experience the foam roller to its fullest potential, I recommend you stick with it consistently for or at least 8 classes. I will introduce you to all the wonderful ways in which you can use the roller. Repertoire will include standing, four-point kneeling, plank variations, side lying, sitting, front lying, and of course supine exercises. Levels, modifications and variations are always offered, as well as clear verbal breathing cues. This class is suitable for all levels. If you need guidance on purchasing the correct foam roller, I will be happy to help you. For any more questions, please drop me a line.

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
07989 977224
Silverless St, Marlborough SN8 1JQ, UK